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  • Writer's pictureBrianna

Coming Out

So in case you didn't understand my last post in this category, I was referring to the realisation that one is transgender. As a very logical person, this has been especially difficult for me to handle. But it is part of who I am. I am both lucky and unlucky to be the age of 20 when I'm deciding to open up and do something about it.

My friends are supportive, the closest ones doubted me at first when I told them, but that was good, I needed them to. It made me question myself harder, but each time I ended up bouncing back stronger than ever.

My bosses inadvertently learned when I told them that I might miss work due to potentially forcibly becoming financially independent. They were so supportive offering plans to help pay for school and offering me housing if such a situation occurred.

Luckily it didn't. My parents were actually hurt that I thought they might respond that way. They still don't believe me, and I'm unable to explain dysphoria, but they did say that if a professional confirms everything (therapy) then it might be valid. They think I'm unsure.

While they don't support the act of actually transitioning (understandable, they don't care for body modification) if my psychologist confirms the presence of gender dysphoria (I want my psychologist to be affirming but to ensure that there really isn't anything else), they stated that they will always emotionally support me, as I am their child and have every right to make these personal decisions.

However it didn't go perfectly, I had to fight to have them not withdraw funds for college whilst undergoing general therapy. They will withdraw funds if I start anything else including hormones due to them believing there a risk to my academic performance. For now though, they don't respect my belief that I am transgender, but I guess I'll just have to wait for the shrink. Not perfect but not horrible. I wish someone had described coming out like that when I was looking up advice and information for coming out to family.

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